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Rotary Challenge

today 07/03/2022

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The new year is a time for new challenges. So, in keeping with the spirit of this, the Wymondham Rotary Satellite Group has come up with some challenges which are a little break fromthe norm.

8 Weeks – 8 Challenges is the theme for the Wymondham Rotary Challenge. It’s free to enter and the more challenges you complete, the more tickets you will be rewarded for your efforts. The first challenge commences on Monday 7th March and runs for eight weeks until Monday 25th April. You have
until the end date to complete and submit any challenges. It is not compulsory to complete them all.

At the end of the eight weeks, you will be entered into a prize draw using all of the tickets you have collected across each challenge. The more tickets, the better chance you have at winning! Whats more, these challenges encourage you to try something new whilst supporting local businesses and having fun.

For example, try your hand at art (all forms), photography, poetry and quizzes. Have your entries judged
by a professional. If you win a challenge, you will be awarded even more tickets!

Follow on Facebook to see the weekly challenges, which can also be found at

Entries can be submitted by email to
Additionally, for more
information, you can scan the QR code on posters across town.

Begin 07/03/2022
End 25/04/2022
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access_time11:00 am - 1:00 pm