South Norfolk Radio South Norfolk Radio
Chris White co-presents ‘Two Men in a Bottle’, South Norfolk Radio’s fortnightly look into the world of wine.
Chris is proprietor of Reno Refills in Wymondham and is using his expertise and experience to guide co-presenter Matt Taylor and you. our listeners, through the world of wine.
Chris started his business in 2009, establishing Reno Wines as such in 2011 and growing both his business and contacts initially through Norfolk’s thriving Farmers Markets. He took his business on-line at an early stage and then branched into full retail when he opened the Reno Wines shop on Market Street in Wymondham in 2014. It suddenly became possible to bring your own bottles to fill with wine from the barrel right in the town centre. Since then, the business has expanded into adjacent premises too and now covers refills for dry goods, whole foods and household essentials, as well as selling a range of local craft gins and beers, plus delicatessen products and a wide range of edible and drinkable gifts too! Chris’s business model certainly proves that its perfectly possible to buy the products without the packaging, and Chris says he reckons he now refills more than 5000 bottles of wine a year.
Chris White pictured at the opening of Reno Wines in 2014
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