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10 Results / Page 1 of 2


We’re on Radioplayer!

South Norfolk Radio is happy to announce that it has now joined more than 500 OFCOM licensed radio stations in the Radioplayer family! What is Radioplayer? Radioplayer is a non-profit partnership between the BBC and leading commercial radio organisations. The aim is to keep radio listening simple, particularly on things which are connected to the internet, like computers, smartphones, and tablets. Access to radio player is free and the mobile […]

today16/12/2024 23


David is back in the 70s again!

South Norfolk Radio presenter David Bligh returned to the airwaves on August 9th with his first new 'Back in the Day' show for three months. "I've had a major operation" explains David "and so was forced to take time away from radio presenting. My recovery, while taking longer than I would have liked , is progressing slowly and I'm happy that I'm now able to get back to doing what […]

today09/08/2024 95


Wymondham Spring Arts Festival – Various locations, 20th April – 6th May

Its less than a week to go now until the start of the very first Wymondham Spring Arts Festival, sponsored by Wymondham Magazine. But what can you expect? 𝗔𝗿𝘁 - displays throughout the town centre, at Wymondham Heritage Museum and Waitrose. Plus local impressionist John Shave will be sharing tips at Wymondham Art Society. 𝗠𝘂𝘀𝗶𝗰 - classic rock or classic baroque? Enjoy a string quartet at Becket's Chapel and Counterfeit […]

today14/04/2024 128


Tristan marks the 100th ‘Thursday Night Club’ on SNR – with cake!

South Norfolk Radio host Tristan Ashby celebrated the 100th edition of his 'Thursday Night Club' show on 24th August with a specially baked cake. Tristan broadcasts his show live from the South Norfolk Radio studio every Thursday evening from 6.00 until 8.00pm and plays a wide range of music styles through each programme. plus a number of weekly show features such as 'Dad's Jukebox' and 'Crooner's Corner'. Listeners can interact […]

today25/08/2023 163


The Sophie Sessions are back, baby!

After taking a break from broadcasting, during which time she's been involved in local pantomime and musical productions as well as moving into a new house, Sophie Garrod, one of South Norfolk Radio's most popular presenters, returned to the airwaves on Saturday 15th July. "Having been involved with the station since the early Radio Wymondham days, its a joy to finally have the time to get back behind the microphone […]

today14/07/2023 220


The Dereham Blues Festival – 5th-9th July

Councilor Hugh King, Mayor of Dereham joined the Dereham Blues Festival team on Friday 16th June at Tesco’s in Dereham to announce the winner of two premier seats for this year's Blues Frstival  Opening Concert on July 5th at Dereham Memorial Hall. The concert features multi-Grammy award winner Danielle Nicole, highly regarded as one of the best bassists in the USA right now and for her emotional and high energy […]

today19/06/2023 43

New Show

Johnnie Dalton Has Returned to the SNR Airwaves

"Music that is as good today as when you first heard it." Johnnie Dalton recently returned to the South Norfolk Radio airwaves with the third season of his popular series 'Music Forever, Forever Music'. Having re-started on April 25th, Johnnie now presents his choice of music from across the decades on alternate Tuesday evenings from 6.00-8.00pm on South Norfolk Radio. Join Johnnie live in the SNR Studios every other Tuesday […]

today25/04/2023 84 1


South Norfolk Radio adapts to changing circumstances

South Norfolk Radio (SNR), the local volunteer-run Community Radio Station based in Wymondham, is, like many other small businesses, having to rapidly adapt to the changing financial circumstances. “It would be fair to say that the financial crisis has impacted our plans” says Anthony Woods, Chair of the local not-for profit Community Interest Company (CIC).  “We’ve been affected especially by the lack of advertising revenue for the station, despite some […]

today01/11/2022 390 3


Munch ‘N Music 2 – Another Big Success

Good music, good food, good weather and good company. What more could you ask for on a wonderfully warm summer evening? And all these were on the menu at the second 'Munch 'N Music event organised by Tom Boggan and his team at The Farm Café at Center Paws, the super dog-friendly venue in Wymondham on 8th July. Radio station volunteer Sophie Garrod, who presents 'The Sophie Sessions' on Mondays […]

today13/07/2022 112


The Mix – ON SNR

access_time12:00 am - 8:00 am