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Welcome Kate!

today08/11/2021 89 9 5

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South Norfolk Radio welcomes new voice Kate Roome to the airwaves from Tuesday 9th November. She’ll be bringing back some great memories and hoping to put a smile on your face too.

“I’m really excited and looking forward to getting behind the microphone” says Kate. “I’ll be hosting ‘Kate’s Kicking It Back Show’ on Tuesdays from 6.00pm, with the music taking you back to the 90’s and early 2000’s”.

“I’ll be here each week to fill you with nostalgia, make you smile and to bring back some great memories too” says Kate. “But of course, this is ‘Community Radio’ so I want to hear from you – the listeners and members of the South Norfolk community.

“Make sure you get in touch with me via Instagram for any shoutouts or with memories that you’d like to share on-air and let’s have some fun! It’s all about having that feelgood feeling!” says Kate.

Kate describes herself as a fun and positive person who loves to have a laugh – and to have a good old boogie too!

Kate studied drama and performance at school and she’s appeared in some stage productions in Norwich. She’s looking to build a career in the media and recently graduated from a TV presenting course, based in London. You can see her ‘TV Presenting Showreel’ on her own YouTube Channel:

Join Kate on Tuesdays at 6.00pm, here on South Norfolk Radio. And if you’d like to join us here on your local Community Radio Station, run entirely by a team of volunteer members like Kate, then do get in touch.

We’ve got all sorts of roles for all ages and abilities, and even if actually presenting your own show seems a bit too daunting, there’s a whole host of people working in the background to keep the shows, and the station, on the road! Email us if you are interested at  We’d love to hear from you!

Written by: David Mann

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